Welcome to Tatting in the Triad

Tatting in the Triad is about tatting and a little bit of everything in my life.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Playing with colors, love these colors together in a bouquet.  Think I need a different purple but the red and yellow are pretty close.  Purple flowers I will be making are like one in first bouquet.  Not sure what shape flowers the rest will be.  I love the leaves, I bought 2 threads, a plain green as a back up in case I didn't love this one.  It is the twirlz thread by Lizbeth and it is the green/blue combination.  I think it makes awesome leaves.

Does anyone out there have any amazing flower combinations?  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

this is a heart made with size 10 thread which I have never broken.  I like the dainty look of the smaller threads but get frustrated when they break, normally close to end of project.

this is the 
SweetHeart pattern by Birgit Phelps

Who else has made this pattern?  Who else breaks their thread?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Well it's been a long time again.  Now that I have a day job I hope to blog more often.

Here's one of my biggest frustrations, I break thread too easily. Size 20 is just not my friend.

I get close to the end and break my thread. Yikes!
What is your biggest frustration?